Industrial dust collector since 1994


Welding fume deduster in welding workshop of Great Wall Motors

Nov 27, 2020

Case name: Erhuan environmental protection Co., Ltd. provides welding fume dust collector and environmental protection equipment for Great Wall Motors
Partner: Great Wall Motors

Products used: American made submerged welding fume precipitator


Second ring environmental protection provides 100000 m3 / h centralized welding dust collector for great wall motor production plant.
After decades of technical precipitation and continuous innovation, Jiangsu Erhuan Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. has an elite team of R & D, design and production. The company has successfully developed slant insert filter cartridge dust collector and vertical ultra-high efficiency filter cartridge dust remover by introducing the fine production process of European and American dust collectors.

Yanchang oil flat bag dust collector in Yulin, Shaanxi Province


HEPA high efficiency cartridge dust collector of Chaowei group