Industrial dust collector since 1994


When the oil mist precipitator fails, what can be done to eliminate the fault?

Nov 27, 2020

Let's know what is oil mist dust remover. Oil mist dust remover is also called oil mist purification equipment, oil mist separator, oil mist filter, oil mist collector and oil mist purifier. It is mainly used to solve the workshop environmental problems such as oil mist, water mist or dust in mechanical processing. Its main function is to remove oil mist and smoke in the filtered air flow.


In the process of using the machine, the machine often breaks down due to various reasons. At this point, we should first check the machine to find out the root cause of the problem, and then implement targeted solutions. So, when there is a problem with the oil mist precipitator, what can we do to check the problem?
(1) Whether the staffing is reasonable. The fault of the oil mist precipitator may be due to the failure to install the oil mist dust collector in strict accordance with the specified requirements, resulting in wiring or some details problems, resulting in the oil mist dust collector can not work normally.
(2) Configuration of oil mist precipitator itself. Check whether the oil mist dust collector meets the requirements of the manufacturer's equipment. For example, improper matching of air volume will also reduce the purification effect of oil mist dust collector.
(3) Whether the oil mist dust remover is cleaned regularly and whether the cleaning method is reasonable. In the process of purifying oil mist, the oil mist dust collector will absorb a large number of oil mist particles, and the increase of these oil mist particles will reduce the purification function of the oil mist dust collector. After cleaning the electrostatic oil mist precipitator, the water must be wiped dry, otherwise it is easy to cause short circuit. The filter element of centrifugal or filter oil mist precipitator needs to be replaced regularly, otherwise the filter cotton blockage will reduce the purification effect.
If the fault of the oil mist precipitator is due to excessive oil pollution, it should be cleaned regularly. If the power supply is short circuited, replace it with a new one. If it is a configuration problem, contact the manufacturer for replacement.

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